Welcome to Algotester!
What is Algotester?
Online judge with a lot of interesting problems of various difficulty.
Platform for problem preparation.
Platform for organizing ICPC and IOI styles contests.
Platform for organizing optimization contests.
Judge Verdict List
Wrong Answer There is a valid test case on which your solution result is different from the judge’s solution result. Runtime Error The program ended unexpectedly (for example, there was an attempt to divide by 0, or to index outside the array). Time Limit There is a valid test case in which the program execution time exceeds the limit specified in the statement. Memory Limit There is a valid test case in which the program memory consumption exceeds the limit specified in the statement. Compilation Error The compiler is unable to compile your code. To see compiler output, go to compiler tab in the solution view. Internal error There is a judge error. Algotester team is trying to fix it. Idle Time Limit Exceeded Interactor waited too long for user output. This error is occurred when interaction protocol is violated. Accepted This is the only verdict that is good for you - the program passed all test cases and is accepted by the judge! Available Programming Languages
Language Version Compiler Arguments C++ g++ 14.1.0 -O2 -std=c++23
C gcc 14.1.0 -O2 -std=gnu23
C# Mono C# compiler version /o+ /r:System.Numerics.dll
Java openjdk 23 Pascal Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2 -O2 -Sh
Python Python 3.8.1 -O
PyPy PyPy 7.3.0 with GCC 7.4.0 -O
Examples of problem "A plus B" solutions written on available programming languages:
Python / PyPy